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Somedays, I just wake up and...

Somedays, I just wake up and I am alone here, in panic, alone again... this heart is rushing and I am alive... is like a dream, a weird bad dream.  Then I understand, he is mad, not crazy... mmm... not, not mad, he is broken, I am crazy maybe??? mmm... now I am just neuroathypical, a little autistic maybe. Who am I? We have told you that we have no names, we don't need names, we are the hive, but not... I am not Manuel, not Kiddo or Luci either.  When I am here I need order, I don´t understand the world as you or others, I need to have everything in his right place. I like everything in boxes, with their tags, a little like Aristotle, I need to understand the taxonomy of their world, they are so chaotic. I waste all our time seeing how it works, order? Is impossible to live in chaos, relationships are chaos, humans are chaotic, I need to get away from them because they are not cosmo, they are not lucky things either, they are... whatever they are I am not like them... I am not...

Entradas más recientes

Me presento: pueden llamarme Hive



No te duermas con los lentes

Un año después del internamiento

Cómo veo el mundo... Una perspectiva limitada y subjetiva.

Morí, por unos segundos y eso es lo que pasó.

¿Por qué publicar sobre la vida con depresión?

Tiempo después

Semana 4. La psiquiatra habla.